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Our students need more diverse teachers.
Teachers of color represent 20% of US public schools, while students of color stand at 51%. (Pew Research Center)
So, what are you waiting for?
Hear inspirational Black teachers discuss the legacy of Black excellence in classrooms.
Teachers of color can improve the education of ALL students.
They are more likely to have higher expectations of students of color, confront issues of racism, develop trusting relationships and serve as advocates. (Urban League of Greater Kansas City)
Students have better outcomes when their teacher looks like them.
If a Black student has two Black teachers before the third grade, they are 32% more likely to go to college. (National Bureau of Economic Research)
TEACH can help you get there.
Future teachers can get free 1:1 advising, help finding a teaching program and financial assistance.
Hear from four dynamic educators as they discuss the impact of Black educators. Stay after the panel discussion to learn how you can continue the legacy with TEACH's personalized tools. Join other aspiring Black educators and get free resources to help you become a teacher!
Meet the Speakers
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